About Dog Guide Users of New Hampshire, Membership and Dues
Our Mission
The Dog Guide Users of New Hampshire is a voluntary support group that promotes the use of Guide, Hearing, and Service Dogs for the disabled through peer support, advocacy, education, and public awareness. The Dog Guide Users of New Hampshire also embraces all individuals who are interested in the care, handling, and/or raising of Guide, Hearing and Service Dogs for independent living.
About Us
The Dog Guide Users of New Hampshire (DGUNH) is a voluntary group of people who have service dogs or have an interest in working or training service dogs. As a social group, members give support to each other as service dog users and help each other with canine issues as well as educate the public about service dogs. The DGUNH also works to improve the laws that affect service animal teams. Anyone who might be interested in getting a dog guide or service dog is welcome to attend the DGUNH meetings and learn about what is involved in becoming a service dog user. The DGUNH Dutch-treat lunch meetings are held at the Red Blazer Restaurant in Concord, New Hampshire. Meetings are held quarterly on Saturdays from 12:00 to 3:00 PM in December, April, July and October. Regularly, speakers are brought in who will address dog topics, such as health, laws, public interference, etc. There is always time for discussion on various dog-related topics anyone might want to bring up. Puppy raisers come regularly to the meetings and are a vital part of the DGUNH group.
Board Members
Below is a list of current board members. Board members are elected each April for a period of two years. There are no term limits for board members.
President: Carol Holmes
Vice President: Larry Ashford
Secretary: Judi Shuman
Treasurer: Marie Johnson
Board Member: Heidi Piroso
Board Member: Nicholas (Nick) Petralia
Board Member: Maggee Jespersen
Board Member: Takashi Nakaya
Webmaster: Takashi Nakaya
Note: Because of the pandemic, all officers and board members will be elected in 2022. In 2023, the normal election cycle will resume. Thus, being an odd year 2023, board members will be due for re-election.
- The term of the elected Board of Directors will commence immediately after the election is complete.
- The Organization member elected to the Board of Directors, including all elected Officers, shall serve in that position for a term of two (2) years.
- There are no term limits for Officers or Board Members.
- Board Officers are elected in even years; Board Members are elected in odd years.
- Before the annual meeting, on odd years, the Officers will nominate Board Members; on even years, the Board Members will nominate Officers. In both cases, nominations will be accepted from the floor from members who have attended at least two (2) meetings in the previous year. Those nominated from the floor must be present at the annual meeting.
Individual Membership Eligibility
Membership in the Dog Guide Users of New Hampshire (DGUNH) is open to any person who owns, trains or advocates for the use of service dogs including those individuals who raise and train puppies to become service dogs. Membership entitles individuals to vote, hold office, chair and serve on committees, attend meetings and receive all appropriate organization mailings and participate in the online list-serve.
Membership dues are $2 per year and entitles you to voting privileges for that year.
Note: You DO NOT have to be a paid member to attend any meetings of DGUNH.
Voting Privileges of Members
Every current paid member has voting privileges at that year’s meeting of the DGUNH (including the annual meeting during which elections are held).